2. Enroll on EM Strasbourg’s financial platform
Connect to EM Strasbourg’s financial platform
Connection details:
- Connection link: https://inscriptions.em-strasbourg.eu/login
- Email address: the personal address you gave to the School during the admissions process
- Password: the first letter of your last name, first letter of your first name (in lower case) and your date of birth with slashes (DD/MM/YYYY)
Example: Marie Dupont born on June 12, 2002 -> dm12/06/2002
For compound names: first letter of first last name + first letter of first first name
Example: Jean-Pierre Grand-Chateau born on Jan. 01, 2000 -> gj01/01/2000
Pay tuition in six steps:
Step 1: Check your personal information and enter any missing information
Step 2: Check your program and tick the boxes according to your situation
Step 3: Choose your desired mode of payment
Step 4: Submit all the required documents to validate your financial file
Step 5: Certify that the documents provided are correct and send your file to the enrollment team for approval
Step 6: Once your file is approved, you will receive an email to download your financial form.
If certain documents are not acceptable, our team will contact you by email. Please check your student and/or personal email inbox and provide requested information.